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Rabu, 12 Disember 2012

Breast Cancer

Mengapa Perlu PruBSN FirstLink

Kanser Payudara???
Seringkali kita semua dgr,dr kwn2 or media cetak dan juga media elektronik.
Siapa yg tak gerun,x takut,masing2 riso termasuk la diriku n wanita2 len.
Semasa aku study nursing dulu,kerap aku temui case sebegini malah time practical tu pelbagai case kami perlu study. Rugi jk ketinggalan. Namun apabila tlh bertugas and stay plak di Obsetrik and gynae department specially at Hosp Putrajaya,jarang jmp case Breast kanser. Ade tu ade but kurg. Maybe di HKL byk la kot. Tapi baru nie aku jmp case spt kenyataan di ats. Xdaq la jakun cm dh lama x jmp. Admit ward for delivery n dlm masa sama mengalami breast canser. Apabila dh melihat case mcm nie,mulai la memberi keinsafan pd aku. Entah mengapa aku bersimpati,maksud ku di sini kesian melihat keadaannya but aku yakin pskt ku tersebut amat tabah sekali. Seorang wanita yg masih muda lg. Apa pon jua treatment yg dilakukan terhadapnya,dia akur seolah dah lali dgn perawatan yg tlh diberikan,yelah sakit mcm mn skalipon terpksa la dia terima demi mahukan kesihatanya pulih  spt sediakala. Aku terlalu yakin bhw stiap perawatan yg tlh diterimanya pasti memberi kesakitan.
Berat mata aku memndang,berat lg bahu yg memikul betul tak?
Nek krja dr off mlm,aku cari dia di ward tp menurut rkn2 krjaku,dia tlh pulg. Bagaimn la agaknya si ank kecil yg tlh dia lahirkn tu ya. Aduh....
Hihi,ke situ plak aku fikirkan.
Bl dikenangkan,ciptaan wanita tu unique skali. Mcm2 penyakit sekarang tlh menyerang wanita. Dgn pemakanan n cara hidup sekarang,kita as a women perlu bijak menangani sgalanya. Yup,,mencegah itu lbh bek dr merawat. Aku bersyukur sehingga hari ini,Allah msh memberi kesihatan yg bek kpd aku. Kdg2 terfikir juga baggaimana la nsb aku akn dtg n di ari tua kelak n aku berdoa agar Dia memberi Kesihatan yg berpnjangan kpd aku and ahli keluargaku.
Amin...Uols too yer.
Bwh nie aku nk share cikit imformasi tntg Breast Cancer. Dont miss to read k.
Yg pntg jer,elebihnya belh baca kat
-Petikan dr Medicine Net.com

What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor (a collection of cancer cells) arising from the cells of the breast. Although breast cancer predominantly occurs in women it can also affect men. This article deals with breast cancer in women.

What are breast cancer symptoms and signs?

The most common sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass in the breast. In addition, the following are possible signs of breast cancer:
It is best to detect breast cancer before any of these signs occur by following screening mammography guidelines.
You should discuss these or any other findings that concern you with your health care professional.

What are breast cancer risk factors?
Some of the breast cancer risk factors can be modified (such as alcohol use) while others cannot be influenced (such as age). It is important to discuss these risks with your health care professional any time new therapies are started (for example, postmenopausal hormone therapy).
The following are risk factors for breast cancer:
  • Age: The chances of breast cancer increase as you get older.
  • Family history: The risk of breast cancer is higher among women who have relatives with the disease. Having a close relative with the disease (sister, mother, or daughter) doubles a woman's risk.
  • Personal history: Having been diagnosed with breast cancer in one breast increases the risk of cancer in the other breast or the chance of an additional cancer in the original breast.
  • Women diagnosed with certain benign breast conditions have an increased risk of breast cancer. These include atypical hyperplasia, a condition in which there is abnormal proliferation of breast cells but no cancer has developed.
  • Menstruation: Women who started their menstrual cycle at a younger age (before 12) or went through menopause later (after 55) have a slightly increased risk.
  • Breast tissue: Women with dense breast tissue (as documented by mammogram) have a higher risk of breast cancer.
  • Race: White women have a higher risk of developing breast cancer, but African-American women tend to have more aggressive tumors when they do develop breast cancer.
  • Exposure to previous chest radiation or use of diethylstilbestrol increases the risk of breast cancer.
  • Having no children or the first child after age 30 increases the risk of breast cancer.
  • Breastfeeding for 1 ½ to 2 years might slightly lower the risk of breast cancer.
  • Being overweight or obese increases the risk of breast cancer.
  • Use of oral contraceptives in the last 10 years increases the risk of breast cancer.
  • Using combined hormone therapy after menopause increases the risk of breast cancer.
  • Alcohol use increases the risk of breast cancer, and this seems to be proportional to the amount of alcohol used.
  • Exercise seems to lower the risk of breast cancer.

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